Wednesday, February 24, 2010

BMW Redesigning factory for and with older workers in mind

How old do you have to be to work in the BMW production line? Now older than ever; thanks to the launch of BMW 2017 Line Project. This new production line targets older workers, it has achieved some amazing results.

  • The new line achieved a 7% productivity improvement in one year
  • Current performance stands at zero defects
  • In June 2009, absenteeism had dropped to 2% below the plant average
  • BMW 2017 line used as a model of producivity and quality

BMW uncovered an innovative bottoms-up approach for improving productivity and expanding the age for an experience workforce.


  1. BMW is amazing.

    They understand the valuable notion that the NEED to be useful knows no age boundaries. Whether 9 or 99, all humans need to matter.

    I love sitting at the feet of old masters who don't need computers to do hard physics & engineering. They just KNOW! Experience rocks!

    Snow on the roof is a sure sign there's a fire in the heart, and lots of wisdom to boot. :)

  2. Where could I find some info on this topic, specifically the BMW project. I've heard Mercedes is doing the same due to an aging workforce.

  3. There is more information on this topic in the Harvard Business Review. Earlier this year they featured this story and it goes deep into some of the specifics of this new facility. Hope this helps.
